High Speed Web Connection
Streaming Video
CE Credits
The module is designed to be CE accredited in several states. To qualify for credit, you must complete the entire module within a one month time period. No partial credits will be awarded. Furthermore, each section of the module must be completed within a minimum and maximum time frame. These time frames are listed by each section. If you move through the materials in a particular segment too quickly or too slowly, you will be required to retake the segment. In order to receive CE credits, you must apply for CE credits upon completion of the module and survey.
Each section of the module is followed by a quiz containing 5 questions. You must answer 4 questions correctly to move onto the next segment. Anything less is a failing score.
The quizzes have time limits. If you exceed the allotted time, you fail. Also, if you start a quiz but do not finish, you fail.
If you fail on your first attempt at taking a quiz, you will be given a second set of 5 questions. If you fail again, you will be required to retake that portion of the module before being retested.