2021 edition
1011.11 Handrails. Flights of stairways shall have handrails on each side and shall comply with Section 1014. Where glass is used to provide the handrail, the handrail shall comply with Section 2407.
1. Flights of stairways within dwelling units and flights of spiral stairways are permitted to have a handrail on one side only.
2. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change of elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails.
3. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation consisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails.
4. Changes in room elevations of three or fewer risers within dwelling units and sleeping units in Group R- 2 and R-3 do not require handrails.
5. Where a platform lift is in a stationary position and the floor of the platform lift serves as the upper landing of a stairway, handrails shall not be required on the stairway, provided that all of the following criteria are met:
5.1. The stairway contains not more than two risers.
5.2. A handhold, positioned horizontally or vertically, is located on one side of the stairway adjacent to the top landing.
5.3. The handhold is located not less than 34 inches (864 mm) and not more than 42 inches (1067 mm) above the bottom landing
of the stairway.
5.4. The handhold gripping surface complies with Section 1014.3, and is not less than 4.5 inches (114 mm) in length.
2018 edition
1011.11 Handrails. Flights of stairways shall have handrails on each side and shall comply with Section 1014. Where glass is used to provide the handrail, the handrail shall comply with Section 2407.
1. Flights of stairways within dwelling units and flights of spiral stairways are permitted to have a handrail on one side only.
2. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change of elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails.
3. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation consisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails.
4. Changes in room elevations of three or fewer risers within dwelling units and sleeping units in Group R- 2 and R-3 do not require handrails.
2015 edition
1011.11 Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side and shall comply with Section 1014. Where glass is used to provide the handrail, the handrail shall comply with Section 2407.
1. Stairways within dwelling units and spiral stairways are permitted to have a handrail on one side only.
2. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change of elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails.
3. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation consisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails.
4. Changes in room elevations of three or fewer risers within dwelling units and sleeping units in Group R- 2 and R-3 do not require handrails.
2012 edition
1009.15 Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side and shall comply with Section lO 12. Where glass is used to provide the handrail, the handrail shall also comply with Section 2407.
l. Handrails for aisle stairs provided in accordance with Section 1028.13.
2. Stairways within dwelling units and spiral stairways are permitted to have a handrail on one side only.
3. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change of elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails.
4. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation consisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails.
5. Changes in room elevations of three or fewer risers within dwelling units and sleeping units in Groups R-2 and R-3 do not require handrails.
2009 edition
2006 edition
1009.10 Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side and shall comply with Section 1012. Where glass is used to provide the handrail, the handrail shall also comply with Section 2407.
1. Aisle stairs complying with Section 1025 provided with a center handrail need not have additional handrails.
2. Stairways within dwelling units, spiral stairways and aisle stairs serving seating only on one side are permitted to have a handrail on one side only.
3. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change of elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails.
4. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation consisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails.
5. Changes in room elevations of only one riser within dwelling units and sleeping units in Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies do not require handrails.
2003 edition
1009.11 Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side. Handrails shall be adequate in strength and attachment in accordance with Section 1607.7. Handrails for ramps, where required by Section 1010.8, shall comply with this section.
1. Aisle stairs complying with Section 1024 provided with a center handrail need not have additional handrails.
2. Stairways within dwelling units, spiral stairways and aisle stairs serving seating only on one side are permitted to have a handrail on one side only.
3. Decks, patios and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change of elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails.
4. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation consisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails.
5. Changes in room elevations of only one riser within dwelling units and sleeping units in Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies do not require handrails.
1009.11.1 Height. Handrail height, measured above stair tread nosings, or finish surface of ramp slope, shall be uniform, not less than 34 inches (864 mm) and not more than 38 inches (965 mm).
1009.11.2 Intermediate handrails. Intermediate handrails are required so that all portions of the stairway width required for egress capacity are within 30 inches (762 mm) of a handrail. On monumental stairs, handrails shall be located along the most direct path of egress travel.
1009.11.3 Handrail graspability. Handrails with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of at least 1.25 inches (32 mm) and not greater than 2 inches (51 mm) or shall provide equivalent graspability. If the handrail is not circular, it shall have a perimeter dimension of at least 4 inches (102 mm) and not greater than 6.25 inches (160 mm) with a maximum cross-section dimension of2.25 inches (57 mm). Edges shall have a minimum radius of 0.01 inch (0.25 mm).
1009.11.4 Continuity. Handrail-gripping surfaces shall be continuous, without interruption by newel posts or other obstructions.
1. Handrails within dwelling units are permitted to be interrupted by a newel post at a stair landing.
2. Within a dwelling unit, the use of a volute, turnout or starting easing is allowed on the lowest tread.
3. Handrail brackets or balusters attached to the bottom surface of the handrail that do not project horizontally beyond the sides of the handrail within 1.5 inches (38 mm) of the bottom of the handrail shall not be considered to be obstructions and provided further that for each 0.5 inch (13 nun) of additional handrail perimeter dimension above 4 inches (102 mm), the vertical clearance dimension of 1.5 inches (38 mm) shall be permitted to be reduced by 0.125 inch (3 nun).
1009.11.5 Handrail extensions. Handrails shall return to a wall, guard or the walking surface or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight. Where handrails are not continuous between flights, the handrails shall extend horizontally at least 12 inches (305 nun) beyond the top riser and continue to slope for the depth of one tread beyond the bottom riser.
1. Handrails within a dwelling unit that is not required to be accessible need extend only from the top riser to the bottom riser.
2. Aisle handrails in Group A occupancies in accordance with Section 1024.13.
1009.11.6 Clearance. Clear space between a handrail and a wall or other surface shall be a minimum of 1.5 inches (38 nun). A handrail and a wall or other surface adjacent to the handrail shall be free of any sharp or abrasive elements.
1009.1Jl.7 Stairway projections. Projections into the required width at each handrail shall not exceed 4.5 inches _ (114 mm) at or below the handrail height. Projections into the required width shall not be limited above the minimum headroom height required in Section 1009.2.
1009.12 Stairway to roof. In buildings four or more stories in height above grade, one stairway shall extend to the roof surface, unless the roof has a slope steeper than four units vertical in 12 units horizontal (33-percent slope). In buildings without an occupied roof, access to the roof from the top story shall be permitted to be by an alternating tread device.
l009.12.1lRoof access. Where a stairway is provided to a roof, access to the roof shall be provided through a penthouse complying with Section 1509.2.
Exception: In buildings without an occupied roof, access to the roof shall be permitted to be a roof hatch or trap door not less than 16 square feet (1.5 m2) in area and having a minimum dimension of 2 feet (610 mm).
2000 edition
1003.3.3.11 Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side. Handrails shall be adequate in strength and attachment in accordance with Section 1607.7 .
1. Aisle stairs provided with a center handrail need not have additional handrails.
2. Stairways within dwelling units, spiral stairways and aisle stairs serving seating only on one side are permitted to have a handrail on one side only.
3. Decks, patios, and walkways that have a single change in elevation where the landing depth on each side of the change of elevation is greater than what is required for a landing do not require handrails.
4. In Group R-3 occupancies, a change in elevation consisting of a single riser at an entrance or egress door does not require handrails.
5. Changes in room elevations of only one riser within dwelling units in Group R-2 and R-3 occupancies do not require handrails.
] Height. Handrail height, measured above stair tread nosings, or finish surface of ramp slope, shall be uniform, not less than 34 inches (864 mm) and not more than 38 inches (965 mm).
1003. Intermediate handrails. Intermediate handrails are required so that all portions of the stairway width required for egress capacity are within 30 inches (762 mm) of a handrail. On monumental stairs, handrails shall be located along the most direct path of egress travel.
1003. Handrail graspability. Handrails with a circular cross section shall have an outside diameter of at least 1.25 inches (32 mm) and not greater than 2 inches (51 mm) or shall provide equivalent graspability. If the handrail is not circular, it shall have a perimeter dimension of at least 4 inches (102 mm) and not greater than 6.25 inches (159 mm) with a maximum cross-section dimension of 2.25 inches (57 mm). Edges shall have a minimum radius of 0.125 inch (3.2 mm).
1003. Continuity. Handrail-gripping surfaces shall be continuous, without interruption by newel posts or other obstructions.
1. Handrails within dwelling units are permitted to be interrupted by a newel post at a stair landing.
2. Within a dwelling unit, the use of a volute, turnout or starting easing is allowed on the lowest tread.
3. Handrail brackets or balusters attached to the bottom surface of the handrail that do not project horizontally beyond the sides of the handrail within 1.5 inches (38 mm) of the bottom of the handrail shall not be considered to be obstructions.
1003. Handrail extensions. Handrails shall return to a wall, guard or the walking surface or shall be continuous to the handrail of an adjacent stair flight. Where handrails are not continuous between flights, the handrails shall extend horizontally at least 12 inches (305 mm) beyond the top riser and continue to slope for the depth of one tread beyond the bottom riser.
1. Handrails within a dwelling unit that is not required to be accessible need extend only from the top riser to the bottom riser.
2. Aisle handrails in Group A occupancies in accordance with Section 1008.11.