2021 edition

2018 edition

2015 edition
R803.1 Lumber sheathing. Allowable spans for lumber used as roof sheathing shall conform to Table R803.1. Spaced lumber sheathing for wood shingle and shake roofing shall conform to the requirements of Sections R905.7 and R905.8. Spaced lumber sheathing is not allowed in Seismic Design Category D2.
TABLE R803.1
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
a. Minimum 270 Fb, 340,000 E.
b. Minimum 420 Fb, 660,000 E.
c. Minimum 600Fb, 1,150,000 E.
R803.2 Wood structural panel sheathing.
R803.2.1 Identification and grade. Wood structural panels shall conform to DOC PS 1, DOC PS 2, CSA O437 or CSA O325, and shall be identified for grade, bond classification and performance category by a grade mark or certificate of inspection issued by an approved agency. Wood structural panels shall comply with the grades specified in Table R503.2.1.1(1).
R803.2.1.1 Exposure durability. Wood structural panels, when designed to be permanently exposed in outdoor applications, shall be of an exterior exposure durability. Wood structural panel roof sheathing exposed to the underside shall be permitted to be of interior type bonded with exterior glue, identified as Exposure 1.
R803.2.1.2 Fire-retardant-treated plywood. The allowable unit stresses for fire-retardant-treated plywood, including fastener values, shall be developed from an approved method of investigation that considers the effects of anticipated temperature and humidity to which the fire-retardant-treated plywood will be subjected, the type of treatment and redrying process. The fire-retardant-treated plywood shall be graded by an approved agency.
R803.2.2 Allowable spans. The maximum allowable spans for wood structural panel roof sheathing shall not exceed the values set forth in Table R503.2.1.1(1), or APA E30.
R803.2.3 Installation. Wood structural panel used as roof sheathing shall be installed with joints staggered or not staggered in accordance with Table R602.3(1), APA E30 for wood roof framing or with Table R804.3 for cold-formed steel roof framing.
2012 edition
R803.1 Lumber sheathing. Allowable spans for lumber used as roof sheathing shall conform to Table R803.1. Spaced lumber sheathing for wood shingle and shake roofing shall conform to the requirements of Sections R905.7 and R905.8. Spaced lumber sheathing is not allowed in Seismic Design Category D2.
R803.2 Wood structural panel sheathing. R803.2.1 Identification and grade. Wood structural panels shall conform to DOC PS 1, DOC PS 2 or, when manufactured in Canada, CSA O437 or CSA O325, and shall be identified for grade, bond classification, and Performance Category by a grade mark or certificate of inspection issued by an approved agency. Wood structural panels shall comply with the grades specified in Table R503.2.1.1(1).
R803.2.1.1 Exposure durability. All wood structural panels, when designed to be permanently exposed in outdoor applications, shall be of an exterior exposure durability. Wood structural panel roof sheathing exposed to the underside may be of interior type bonded with exterior glue, identified as Exposure 1.
R803.2.1.2 Fire-retardant-treated plywood. The allowable unit stresses for fire-retardant-treated plywood, including fastener values, shall be developed from an approved method of investigation that considers the effects of anticipated temperature and humidity to which the fire-retardant-treated plywood will be subjected, the type of treatment and redrying process. The fire-retardant-treated plywood shall be graded by an approved agency.
R803.2.2 Allowable spans. The maximum allowable spans for wood structural panel roof sheathing shall not exceed the values set forth in Table R503.2.1.1(1), or APA E30.
R803.2.3 Installation. Wood structural panel used as roof sheathing shall be installed with joints staggered or not staggered in accordance with Table R602.3(1), or APA E30 for wood roof framing or with Table R804.3 for steel roof framing.
2009 edition
R803.2.1 Identification and grade.
Wood structural panels shall conform to DOC PS 1, DOC PS 2 or, when manufactured in Canada, CSA O437 or CSA O325, and shall be identified for grade, bond classification, and Performance Category by a grade mark or certificate of inspection issued by an approved agency. Wood structural panels shall comply with the grades specified in Table R503.2.1.1(1).
R803.2.1.1 Exposure durability.
All wood structural panels, when designed to be permanently exposed in outdoor applications, shall be of an exterior exposure durability. Wood structural panel roof sheathing exposed to the underside may be of interior type bonded with exterior glue, identified as Exposure 1.
R803.2.1.2 Fire-retardant-treated plywood.
The allowable unit stresses for fire-retardant-treated plywood, including fastener values, shall be developed from an approved method of investigation that considers the effects of anticipated temperature and humidity to which the fire-retardant-treated plywood will be subjected, the type of treatment and redrying process. The fire-retardant-treated plywood shall be graded by an approved agency.
R803.2.2 Allowable spans.
The maximum allowable spans for wood structural panel roof sheathing shall not exceed the values set forth in Table R503.2.1.1(1), or APA E30.
R803.2.3 Installation.
Wood structural panel used as roof sheathing shall be installed with joints staggered or not staggered in accordance with Table R602.3(1), or APA E30 for wood roof framing or with Table R804.3 for steel roof framing.
2006 edition
R803.1 Lumber sheathing. Allowable spans for lumber used as roof sheathing shall conform to Table R803.1. Spaced lumber sheathing for wood shingle and shake roofing shall conform to the requirements of Sections R905.7 and R905.8. Spaced lumber sheathing is not allowed in Seismic Design Category D2
. . . .
R803.2 Wood structural panel sheathing.
R803.2.1 Identification and grade. Wood structural panels shall conform to DOC PS 1, DOC PS 2 or, when manufactured in Canada, CSA 0437, and shall be identified by a grade mark or certificate of inspection issued by an approved agency. Wood structural panels shall comply with the grades specified in Table R503.2.1.1 (l).
R803.2.1.1 Exposure durability. All wood structural panels, when designed to be permanently exposed in outdoor applications, shall be of an exterior exposure durability. Wood structural panel roof sheathing exposed to the underside may be of interior type bonded with exterior glue, identified as Exposure 1.
R803.2.1.2 Fire-retardant-treated plywood. The allowable unit stresses for fire-retardant-treated plywood, including fastener values, shall be developed from an approved method of investigation that considers the effects of anticipated temperature and humidity to which the fire-retardant- treated plywood will be subjected, the type of treatment and redrying process. The fire-retardant- treated plywood shall be graded by an approved agency.
R803.2.2 Allowable spans. The maximum allowable spans for wood structural panel roof sheathing shall not exceed the values set forth in Table R503.2.1.1(l), or APA E30. I R803.2.3 Installation. Wood structural panel used as roof sheathing shall be installed with joints staggered or not staggered in accordance with Table R602.3(1), or APA E30 for wood roof framing or with Table R804.3 for steel roof framing.
2003 edition
R803.1 Lumber sheathing. Allowable spans for lumber used as roof sheathing shall conform to Table R803.1. Spaced lum- ber sheathing for wood shingle and shake roofing shall con- form to the requirements of Sections R905.7 and R905.8. Spaced lumber sheathing is not allowed in Seismic Design Category D2.
TABLE R803.1
24 5/8
60b 11/2 T & G
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
a. Minimum 270 Fb, 340,000 E.
b. Minimum 420 Fb, 660,000 E.
c. Minimum 600 Fb, 1,150,000 E.
R803.2 Wood structural panel sheathing.
R803.2.1 Identification and grade.Wood structural panels shall conform to DOC PS 1, DOC PS 2 or, when manufactured in Canada, CSA0437, and shall be identified by grade mark or certificate of inspection issued by an approved agency.Wood structural panels shall comply with the grades specified in Table R503.2.1.1(1).
R803.2.1.1 Exposure durability. All wood structural panels, when designed to be permanently exposed in out- door applications, shall be of an exterior exposure durability. Wood structural panel roof sheathing exposed to the underside may be of interior type bonded with exterior glue, identified as Exposure 1.
R803.2.1.2 Fire-retardant-treated plywood. The allowable unit stresses for fire-retardant-treated plywood, including fastener values, shall be developed from an approved method of investigation that considers the effects of anticipated temperature and humidity to which the fire- retardant-treated plywood will be subjected, the type of treatment and redrying process. The fire-retardant-treated plywood shall be graded by an approved agency. R803.2.2 Allowable spans. The maximum allowable spans for wood structural panel roof sheathing shall not exceed the values set forth in Table R503.2.1.1(1).
R803.2.3 Installation. Wood structural panel used as roof sheathing shall be installed with joints staggered or non- staggered in accordance with Table R602.3(1), or APA E30 for wood roof framing or with Table R804.3 for steel roof framing.
2000 edition
R803.2 Wood structural panel sheathing.
R803.2.1 Identification and grade. Wood structural panels shall conform to DOC PS 1, DOC PS 2 or, when manufactured in Canada, CSA 0437, and shall be identified by grade mark or certificate of inspection issued by an approved agency. Wood structural panels shall comply with the grades specified in Table R503.2.1.1(1).
R803.2.1.1 Exposure durability. All wood structural panels, when designed to be permanently exposed in outdoor applications, shall be of an exterior exposure durability. Wood structural panel roof sheathing exposed to the underside may be of interior type bonded with exterior glue, identified as Exposure 1.
R803.2.1.2 Fire-retardant-treated plywood. The allowable unit stresses for fire-retardant-treated plywood, including fastener values, shall be developed from an approved method of investigation that considers the effects of anticipated temperature and humidity to which the fire-retardant-treated plywood will be subjected, the type of treatment and redrying process. The fire-retardant treated plywood shall be graded by an approved agency.
R803.2.2 Allowable spans. The maximum allowable spans for wood structural panel roof sheathing shall not exceed the values set forth in Table R503.2.1.1(1).
R803.2.3 Installation. Wood structural panel used as roof sheathing shall be installed with joints staggered or nonstaggered in accordance with Table R602.3(1), or EWA E30 for wood roof framing or with Table R804.3 for steel roof framing